Upgrade PHP from 7.0 to 7.2

A long ago, I wrote about how to upgrade to 7.0. PHP 7.2 is released. Now, it’s the time again to upgrade to the new version.  The latest version of PHP comes with a couple of changes Convert numeric keys in object/array casts Counting of non-countable objects Object typehint HashContext as Object Argon2 in password … 


Upgrade to PHP 7

PHP 7 is released after 10 years of PHP 5 released.  It’s a major release and it has a lot of improvements compares to PHP 6. Eventually, developer community did not accept PHP 6 that much.  If you haven’t upgraded PHP  environment, I would recommend upgrading its version as soon as possible to get better … 


Weird Error: Fatal error: Class ‘CI_Controller’ not found in Codeigniter Framework

It’s a simply weird and misleading error message.  I was working on a client project which was actually based on Codeigniter  (CI) framework version 2.1.3.  Somehow, I did a typo in DB setting located at config/database.php file. But, I got a very weird error message: Fatal error: Class ‘CI_Controller’ not found in /var/www/my/……./system/core/CodeIgniter.php on line 233 …