As a senior dev guy in the office, I am always asked to help in setting up production environment ready for VPS based on Ubuntu or any other Linux distributions. Today I will cover some basic knowledge that help you deploying your application in any Linux VPS even you are not a DevOps Engineer in …
All about current n future techology
Upgrade to PHP 7
PHP 7 is released after 10 years of PHP 5 released. It’s a major release and it has a lot of improvements compares to PHP 6. Eventually, developer community did not accept PHP 6 that much. If you haven’t upgraded PHP environment, I would recommend upgrading its version as soon as possible to get better …
Getting started with Go with the GVM and some other important tools
Yeah.. I have to switch to GO AKA Golang to write a little app for solving a scalability issue. Go has some advantages such as very quickly compile, concurrency, garbage collector and functions as first class object. Whatever, today I am writing not to introduce the language rather installing the latest stable version without any …
Asset Management and Font Awesome Icons in Production Sails App
I am writing this post just to solve a small problem that I’ve recently experienced while deploying a Sails App in production server. All the CSS and JS files are working very well except the Font Awesome Icons. At the beginning I was not understanding why it’s not working in production server when it was …
Inherit attributes and methods of Sails.js Models
Yeah, now I am working on an interesting Node.js project where I am using Neo4j as Graph database with Sails framework. Neo4j is very new in the market, thus there is very little good DB libraries and adapters available for Sails framework. So, I decide to write some custom model methods (using an active record …
Write a View Helper in Laravel 5 with best practices
In my last blog post I talked about deploying Laravel 5 application in a shared hosting. Still I am working in the same project. This is pretty much a big project that I am working alone right now. Along with this project, I am also working long hours on upgrading my business, after I read …
Deploy your Laravel 5 App in shared hosting
Once again, I had to make my hand dirty. This time I had to deploy Laravel 5 application in a shared hosting. Laravel framework’s architecture is not designed to deploy in shared hosting. So, if you want to deploy in shared hosting of cource you will have to hack the framework. I will not recommend …