Recently, I installed Fedora 17 in my Desktop. Fedora 17 is cool but problem is that close button is on the Right side. But I am an Ubuntu user and used to everything on the left side. So, I do a little hacking in the Gnome-Shell and move the close button to left from right.
Open terminal and switch to root user
su -
it will prompt for root password and then type following command..
gsettings set button-layout "close"
Done. Enjoy the Ubuntu style.
You don’t really have to become root if you just want to change your own settings.
Thanks Euler… It will help others . ..
Thanks! This didn’t work for me for some reason, but I used dconf editor to navigate to the same key and set it. I personally prefer to have “close,minimize:” buttons available, and double-click the title bar for maximize/restore.