It’s a simply weird and misleading error message. I was working on a client project which was actually based on Codeigniter (CI) framework version 2.1.3. Somehow, I did a typo in DB setting located at config/database.php file. But, I got a very weird error message: Fatal error: Class ‘CI_Controller’ not found in /var/www/my/……./system/core/CodeIgniter.php on line 233 …
.htaccess problem at BrainHost or DreamHost
Sometimes, it makes you crazy when you see that your Codeigniter (CI) application is not working in live server. This type CI problem is very usual in DramHost or BrainHost server due to .htaccess configuration. You will have to do a little changes to make the .htaccess work. In your config.php file, please set $config['index_page'] = …
Error at Codeigniter “No Input File Specified”
Sometimes life become hell for some unexpected errors. Well, this is not unexpected error, it can be occurred if you run your application at PHP5 as CGI mode on Apache 2.2. You may face it if you run your application at shared hosting. Last week, I ran into this problem when I used Codeigniter for …