Nowadays we have to work on different different web stacks at the same time. Even in same web stack our production environment and development environment are totally different. It became obvious to use visualization in order to solve this problem. There are a couple of solutions exist such as vagrants, docker (based on Linux container), …
LEMP On Fedora 17 with setting up virtual host
Courtesy: Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP knows as “LEMP” server. Here, Nginx is very fast and lightweight web server which is designed to handle high traffic by using low resources. Though most time Nginx is used to serve static contents.. There are two parts of this tutorial. In 1st part , I will show how to configure …
.htaccess problem at BrainHost or DreamHost
Sometimes, it makes you crazy when you see that your Codeigniter (CI) application is not working in live server. This type CI problem is very usual in DramHost or BrainHost server due to .htaccess configuration. You will have to do a little changes to make the .htaccess work. In your config.php file, please set $config['index_page'] = …
Share your files in a network by SAMBA Server
SAMBA is very well known Opensource applications for file and printer sharing server in Unix and Linux. It supports the Server Message Block (SMB) and Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocols used by Microsoft operating systems. So, it is an effective application for sharing files between Linux and Windows computers in a Network. It can also be configured as many different deployment options such …
Install Apache Tomcat server with Open JDK on Ubuntu
I need to run JavaServer Pages(JSP) in one of my client projects. So, I installed Apache Tomcat server on my Ubuntu. Basically, Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation for Java Servlet and JSP. I will show you the manual way to install on OpenJDK implementation of Java. You can also run tomcat on …
Easy steps to install LAMP Server with phpmyadmin
First, let me introduce LAMP Server to you. LAMP stands for Linux Apache MySql PERL/PHP. So, keep it in your mind that for installing the LAMP server, you must have Linux distribution such as Ubuntu and Debian in your pc. You also get these flavours in XAMPP (Linux version), what I showed already in my …
Installing Apache Tomcat in Windows 7 x64
Apache Tomcat is an open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). It is needed to implement Java Servlet and the JavaServer Pages (JSP). I will describe the way of installing for win7 x64 .. Download Tomcat from Apache click here. It will be zip file and extract the zip to any directories …