Upgrade to PHP 7.4 from PHP 7.2

This is the upgrade of my previous post . Previously, I showed how to upgrade to 7.2. Now, it’s time for one more jump to new version. The latest version of PHP comes with a couple of changes Arrow functions (Adds short closures) Preloading to improve performance Typed properties in classes Improved type variance The … 


Logging with Winston in your Node.js application

Logging is an essential part of application.  According to Twelve-Factor App methodology it’s the XI factor of application development. A proper logging gives you a valuable insite of your application. In Node.js application, it is always suggested to use logging libraryrather than just using console.log  in productione environment. Log4js, Bunyan , and Winston are the … 


GIT Squashing and open source contribution

Never thought that GIT squashing would be that important for the open source contribution. I was contributing to an open source project. I finished the feature and created a pull request. Surprise!!! the community didn’t accept my pull request. Okay. … It was not rejected because of my wrong implementation or bad code. It was rejected just …